Credence Diamond10規格表 DPIN96: 96ch 200Mbps I/O board, 16M pattern (32M版預計2008發表), 16M capture memory (ADC測試, pattern learning用), 內建記憶體測試用APG (16bit X, Y, Z暫存器), per-pin PMU, per-pin 200MHz frequency counter. AWG: 4ch diff/ 8ch SE, 81Ksps~270Msps, LF SFDR with 1KHz tone is 115dBc, HF SFDR with 1MHz tone is 85dBc, 20MHz tone is 65dBc. 1M waveform memory. Digitizer: 4ch diff, 489sps~100Msps, LF SFDR with 1KHz tone is 105dBc, HF SFDR with 5MHz tone is 85dBc, 20MHz tone is 82dBc. Per channel 512K capture memory. DPS16: 16ch DPS. 0~6V, 2A per channel. 16bit current measurement resolution. VIS16: 16ch DPS兼PMU. +/-20V 300mA, +/-60V 100mA per channel. 16bit voltage and current measurement resolution. 10KHz 16bit modulation source with 8K waveform memory per channel. 20mV~5V differential voltage measurement. DIBU: Utility board. 64 relay control bit (75mA sink). +5V 3A, -5V 3A, +12V 2A user power. +5V 5A relay power. 24V 2A isolated power. 400MHz and 10MHz ref clock output. +12V 2A, -12V 2A, +5V 10A, +3.3V 10A 3rd-party support power. 新發表不在附檔上的儀器卡有multi-wave, 單卡整合8ch AWG及4ch digitizer, 規格同原本的AWG卡及digitizer卡, 進一步強化成本結構. 在D40 (有40個板卡槽位, 顧名思義, D10就是10個slot)上還有RF卡, 目前暫時不能用於D10上, 不過以後的事就不一定了.
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